Park Hotel Pruhonice Prague - A Home Away From Your Home

Order Form

Invoicing Data (Necessary in the Case of Payment by Invoice)

Company Name: *
Head Office / Address: *
Company ID: *
VAT Number: *

Contact Details

Name: *
E-mail: *
Phone Number: *

Date of Event

From: *
To: *

Basic Information

Number of Participants: *
Time Schedule (Meeting/ Training from - to, Times of Meals etc.):
Arrangement of Meeting Rooms/Tables (School, „U“ Shape etc.):
Conference Equipment (Flipchart, Screen, Projector etc.):
Food (Coffee Breaks, Lunch etc.):
Accommodation - please specify the number and type of rooms:

* This items are mandatory

© BOHEMI, spol. s r.o. | design Neofema, s.r.o.