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Hotel Nupaky
Nupaky u Prahy

The municipality of   Nupaky   is located southeast of   Prague   , near the D1 motorway. The municipalities of   Čestlice   ,   Průhonice   ,   Benice   ,   Říčany   , Modletice, Jažlovice, Kuří, Uhříněves as well as   Prague 4   and   Prague 10   are to be found nearby. The municipality is served by   Prague   public transport, several bus routes take you to Opatov metro station. The existence of the village is documented as far back as 1380.

A tourist area can be found on the border with   Prague   , which is named after one of the most notable personalities in Czech culture, the Josef Lada Region. Josef Lada drew inspiration from this region his whole life and called the area between Hrusice and   Prague   a magnificent region. The micro region known as the Josef Lada Region was established by 19 municipalities and its aim is development of tourism and culture. The logo of the voluntary cluster of municipalities, of which Nupaky is also a member, is the famous drawing of a Water Goblin sitting on a Willow.

The municipality is home to several companies such as JUB, Tescoma, DHOLLANDIA, Gerlach, Spona, Mironet, Yale Plastoplan and others. There is also a hotel and restaurant in the municipality.


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hotel Cestlice   ,   hotel Benice   ,   hotel Ricany   ,   hotel Nupaky   ,   hotel Prague   , hotel Prague 4   ,   hotel Prague 10   ,   hotel Pruhonice   , hotel Prague Chodov

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